A Technology Company


Third-Party Certifications
& Attestations

Assure your vendors, intermediaries, channel partners, agents and other third-parties are and remain compliant with important corporate policies and mandates.

Simplify and Enrich the Process for Third-Parties to Certify Compliance

It is becoming more and more important to collect, track, and manage agreements from your third-parties. An ever-changing regulatory landscape, along with typical business evolution underscores the importance of an efficient, automated, and flexible system to enforce your corporate policies across your third-party base. Examples include Anti-Corruption Certificates, Data Privacy / GDPR Attestations, Anti-Diversion Certificates, and much more.

Third Party Certifications & Attestations Highlights:

  • Straightforward, Yet Powerful Deployment Options: Certifications and Attestations can be kicked off in a number of different ways:
  • Employee / admin sponsored one-by-one
  • On a schedule (quarterly / yearly / etc.)
  • Based on a trigger or event from other data collection (i.e. third-party due diligence)
  • From a bulk import process / list of names
  • Through a passive start from the third-party
  • More…
  • Tracking, Reminders and Escalation: The application tracks all certifications & attestations that have been deployed and assures that they are completed through systematic reminders and escalation procedures for incomplete third-party files.
  • Easy to use Interface: Certifications & Attestations are deployed in an easy to use, intuitive interface. Content can be displayed as web-based HTML, embedded PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, and even Video. Signatures can be captured in text or in true digital signature fields. Additional information can be captured as required, including document uploading and other data collection.
  • Dynamic Reporting: Platform319 allows for reporting of any type and nature. Examples of Third-Party Certifications & Attestations reporting could include deployed but incomplete requests, time to completion, upcoming requests that will be launching soon, and much more. Reports can be delivered in a variety of ways:
  • Push-button PDFs or Excel-based files
  • Real-time on-demand
  • 100% customizable
  • Automatically delivered to a distribution list on a schedule (management report once a week for example)
  • Populated in custom portals, dashboards and workstations as desired by users
  • Able to be generated in-line within forms and delivered via notifications from an event within the process
  • Multilingual Support: Significantly, the 319 InSight Third-Party Certifications & Attestations Application can be delivered in multi-languages; assuring global users can quickly and easily contribute required information to the compliance department in their native tongue while also providing in-line translation tools for reviewers to audit the information in their own preferred language.
Key Benefits of

Third-Party Certifications & Attestations with 319 InSight

Third-Party Due Diligence

Easy to Use
Intuitive User Interface

Streamline Global Operations

Global Operations

Gain Important Business Intelligence

Provide Insight to
the Entire Enterprise

Compliance business processes are requiring integration to internal systems

In order to facilitate a truly transparent and compliant enterprise, compliance business processes must be embedded into all internal systems. ERP systems, HR systems, onboarding systems, accounting systems, and any other system must have controls in place to assure the business operations are run according to corporate policy.

319 InSight is a strong proponent of system-to-system connectivity, evidenced through its BlackBox application. This feature facilitates accuracy and ultimate control throughout the life cycle relationships that your organization has with its third-parties, customers, vendors, contractors, employees and any other internal or external relationships.

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