A Technology Company



Automate repetitive human tasks, process workflows, data capture and business decisions associated with Corporate Information Security with the platform’s flexible and integrated capabilities.

Assure InfoSec Compliance Among Your Third-Party Vendors

Information Security Compliance helps organizations uncover potential risk areas among their vendor’s policies and systems that interface with sensitive information. Performing these important audits enables organizations to reduce InfoSec business risk and strengthen vendor controls, contracts, and relationships. 319 InSight automates the critical business processes of InfoSec Compliance, which seamlessly blends structured and unstructured case management into highly efficient workflows. This eliminate errors, reduce biases and enables the work to be processed much more quickly.

InfoSec Compliance Highlights:

  • Identification of InfoSec Threats: The application can automatically determine if a vendor should be evaluated as an InfoSec threat based on your unique business rules. It can dynamically launch InfoSec Compliance processes that spawn from other embedded compliance processes (such as Third-Party Due Diligence).
  • Custom InfoSec Questionnaires: InfoSec Compliance with 319 InSight allows for 100% custom questionnaire forms for any type of assessment needed. The questionnaires function with conditional and branching logic, which deliver consistent, transparent user experiences.
  • Dynamic Risk Scoring: Any piece of data that is collected within your InfoSec Compliance questionnaire process can be automatically analyzed for risk based on your unique matrix of factors. The calculations occur inline, real-time as data is being contributed to the process. Risk matrices can be configured as a point system (0-25, 26-50, etc.), and/or as a bucketing system (Low, Medium, High). The score can then be used for customized review and follow up actions based on risk.
  • Mitigation Actions: The application enables incident tracking, follow-up consequences, and mitigation actions to occur directly within the case file. Depending on the type or other properties of the InfoSec assessment, the appropriate individual(s) can be invited into the process to review and issue corrective action. Those actions can also occur directly within the file, with requirements enforced and escalated over time as needed.
  • Reconfigurable: The 319 Insight InfoSec Compliance application allows for on-going changes and process modifications without interrupting business operations whatsoever. This is an important aspect to its functionality as most organizations will re-assess their methodology for evaluating InfoSec risk each year.
Key Benefits of

InfoSec Compliance with 319 InSight

Maximize Employee Performance

Accelerate InfoSec
Tasks and Approvals

Secure Sensitive and Confidential Information

Secure Sensitive &
Confidential Information

Restricted Party Screening

Identify, Mitigate &
Monitor IT Risk Areas

Compliance business processes are unique to each organization

No two companies have an identical business process. As a result, other systems that are "out-of-the-box" will fail your organization. It is a must that your compliance systems are able to embed your company's unique policies and mandates within the applications they serve.

Policies are different across companies for lots of reasons, including the sectors and industries in which they operate, the locations they operate within, the regulations that apply to their business, the risk appetite of the organization, and much more. In the World Economic Forum's report "Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI)" it is explained:

"It is important to note that no one-size-fits-all solution exists for an effective [due diligence] process. Business activities are conducted through a variety of legal structures, including subsidiaries, joint ventures, contracting and subcontracting."

"Not all business relationships pose the same corruption risks. An organization should therefore tailor its due diligence procedures to its individual circumstances (i.e. its size, resources and risk profile) and to the specific risks in the business relationship at stake (i.e. the identity and reputation of the [subject] and the scope of the services to be performed)."

319 InSight's technology has been engineered from the ground-up to be fully reconfigurable, therefore enabling the exact specifications required to match your company's unique policies.

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