A Technology Company


Terminated Employee
Exit Surveys

Capture, automate and manage employee exit interviews to increase the consistency and auditability of corporate decisions and detect problem situations to help prevent future incidents.

Automate the Extraction of Insights from Key Data Collection

Terminated Employee Exit Surveys Highlights:

  • Automated notices to employees to complete a custom exit survey upon recognition of a terminated employment status
  • Exit survey is fully custom to the unique needs of your organization, and can be configured to utilize employee profile data such as business unit or location to ask different questions
  • Managers can be brought into the process to review information and provide commentary
  • Key insights and triggers can be generated based on responses, with trend data helping business leaders make better and more informed decisions
  •  Risk assessments can help compliance staff amend polices based on feedback and prevent future incidents
Key Benefits of

Terminates Employee Exit Surveys with 319 InSight

Third-Party Due Diligence

Easy to Use
Intuitive User Interface

Secure Sensitive and Confidential Information

Secure Sensitive &
Confidential Information

Gain Important Business Intelligence

Gain Important
Business Intelligence

Compliance business processes are requiring integration to internal systems

In order to facilitate a truly transparent and compliant enterprise, compliance business processes must be embedded into all internal systems. ERP systems, HR systems, onboarding systems, accounting systems, and any other system must have controls in place to assure the business operations are run according to corporate policy.

319 InSight is a strong proponent of system-to-system connectivity, evidenced through its BlackBox application. This feature facilitates accuracy and ultimate control throughout the life cycle relationships that your organization has with its third-parties, customers, vendors, contractors, employees and any other internal or external relationships.

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